Module-level declarations


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entity node
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struct node_dto
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val CELLS_TO_IGNORE_PARAM: text = "cells_to_ignore"


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function _get_required_key(args: map<text, gtv>, attribute_name: text): gtv
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function _place_plot_node(node_prototype_name: text, location: location, rotation: grid_rotation, plot: instance, plot_id: integer): node
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@extendable function deplete_node(node: node, args: map<text, gtv>)
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@extendable function generate_node_attrs(node: node): map<text, gtv>
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@extendable function generate_prototype_attrs(base_node_prototype: base_node_prototype): map<text, gtv>
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function get_active_replenish_duration(configured_replenish_duration: integer): integer
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function get_all_cells_for_plot_node(width: integer, height: integer, location: location, rotation: grid_rotation): set<location>
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@extendable function on_node_creation(node: node, node_prototype_name: text, args: map<text, gtv>)
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@extendable function on_node_prototype_creation(base_node_prototype: base_node_prototype, args: map<text, gtv>)
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@extendable function on_node_prototype_update(base_node_prototype: base_node_prototype, args: map<text, gtv>)
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@extendable function recharge_node(node: node)
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@mount("plot_nodes.get_global_plot_nodes_config") query get_global_plot_nodes_config(): (enabled: boolean,)
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@mount("plot_nodes.get_node_prototypes") query get_node_prototypes(): list<node_prototype_dto>
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@mount("plot_nodes.get_nodes_on_plot") query get_nodes_on_plot(plot_id: integer): list<node_dto>


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@mount("plot_nodes.create_node_prototype") operation create_node_prototype(node_prototype_type: node_prototype_type, name: text, width: integer, height: integer, args: map<text, gtv>)
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@mount("plot_nodes.place_nodes_on_plot") operation place_nodes_on_plot(plot_id: integer, plot_nodes: list<place_node_dto>)
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@mount("plot_nodes.relocate") operation relocate(account_id: byte_array, auth_descriptor_id: byte_array, relocate_actions: list<relocate_node_dto>)
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@mount("plot_nodes.set_global_plot_nodes_config") operation set_global_plot_nodes_config(enabled: boolean)
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@mount("plot_nodes.update_node_prototype") operation update_node_prototype(name: text, width: integer, height: integer, args: map<text, gtv>)