Module-level declarations


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struct area
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struct location
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struct size


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function area_for_locations(locations: set<location>, add_borders: boolean): (from: location, to: location)
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function check_any_negative(results: map<text, boolean>): boolean
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function check_any_positive(results: map<text, boolean>): boolean
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@extendable function check_cells_on_same_height(griddable: instance, cells: list<list<location>>): boolean
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@extendable function check_grid_access(griddable: instance, cells: set<location>)
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function check_has_plot_access(account_id: byte_array, plot_id: integer): boolean
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@extendable function check_original_placed_on_grid(griddable_id: integer, original_id: byte_array, location: location): map<text, boolean>
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@extendable function check_original_previously_placed_by(griddable_id: integer, original_id: byte_array, account_id: byte_array): boolean
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@extendable function check_original_removable(griddable_id: integer, original_id: byte_array, location: location): map<text, boolean>
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function check_ownership(griddable: instance, account_id: byte_array, cells: set<location>): boolean
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@extendable function check_ownership_hook(griddable: instance, account_id: byte_array, cells: set<location>): map<text, boolean>
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@extendable function check_plot_access(account_id: byte_array, plot_id: integer): map<text, boolean>
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@extendable function clear_grid_area(locations: set<location>, plot_id: integer)
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@extendable function get_locations_hook(griddable: instance, account_id: byte_array, cells: set<location>, owned_cells: boolean): list<location>
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function get_non_owned_locations(griddable: instance, account_id: byte_array, cells: set<location>): set<location>
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function get_owned_locations(griddable: instance, account_id: byte_array, cells: set<location>): set<location>
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function is_original_placed_on_the_grid(griddable_id: integer, original_id: byte_array, location: location): boolean
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function is_original_removable(griddable_id: integer, original_id: byte_array, location: location): boolean
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@extendable function on_pickup(griddable_id: integer, location: location)
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@extendable function on_placing(owner_id: byte_array, original_id: byte_array, griddable_id: integer, current_location: location?, new_location: location)
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@extendable function require_occupancy_based_on_locations(griddable: instance, locations: set<location>, optional_params: map<text, byte_array>)
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function require_original_placed_on_grid(griddable_id: integer, original_id: byte_array, location: location)
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function require_original_removable(griddable_id: integer, original_id: byte_array, location: location)
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function require_ownership(griddable_id: integer, griddable: instance, account_id: byte_array, cells: set<location>)
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function rotate(default_locations: list<location>, rotation: grid_rotation): list<location>
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function rotate_east(default_location: location): location
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function rotate_south(default_location: location): location
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function rotate_west(default_location: location): location